Lorenza Fontana



FONTANA L.B., Recognition Politics. Indigenous Rights and Ethnic Conflict in the Andes (2023). Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics Series). [Pre-print available here]

Grugel, J., J. Nem Singh, L.B. FONTANA, A. Ulhin (eds.) (2016) Demanding Rights. Claiming Justice in the Global South. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Calderón F., L.B. FONTANA, I. Nava and H. Pacheco (2012) La Protesta Social en América Latina. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI.

Academic Articles 

Cabrera Silva, A. and L.B. FONTANA (forthcoming 2024). Indigenous vs. peasant’s rights? Lhaka Honhat v. Argentina and the role of the Inter-American Human Rights System in communal inter-ethnic conflicts. Journal of Human Rights.

Miramonti, A., FONTANA, L. B., & Johnston, C. (2024). Forum Theatre for Reconciliation: a drama-based approach to conflict transformation applied to socio-environmental struggles in Bolivia. Peacebuilding: 1–21.

FONTANA, L. B. (2024). Seeing others. Seeing usEthnic and Racial Studies, 1–10. Symposium on Lamont’s book Seeing others

Cole, A., FONTANA, L.B., Hirzel, M., Johnston, C. and Miramonti, A. (2023) ‘On burning ground: theatre of the oppressed and ecological crisis in Bolivia‘. Cultural Geographies 30 (4):  639-648.

FONTANA L.B., A, Miramonti, C. Johnston (2023) ‘Women in Wildfire Crises: Exploring Lived Experiences of Conflict through Forum Theatre’. Studies in Social Justice 17(2): 269-279.

FONTANA L.B. (2020) ‘The Contentious Politics of Labour Rights as Human Rights: Lessons from the Implementation of Domestic Workers Rights in the Philippines’, Human Rights Quarterly 42: 859–877. [Pre-print available here]

Oldekop J.A., A. Agrawal, A. Bebbington, […], L.B. FONTANA, […] W. Sutherland, et al. (2020) ‘Forest-linked livelihoods in a globalized world’, Nature Plants 6: 1400–1407.

FONTANA L.B., J.A. Oldekop (2020)  ‘Special Issue Editorial: The Sustainable Development Goals: The Bumpy Road Ahead’. World Development 127.

FONTANA L.B. and J. Grugel, (2019) ‘Human Rights and the Pink Tide in Latin America: Which Rights Matter?’, Development & Change 50 (3): 707-734.

FONTANA L.B. (2019) ‘Identity Policies of Education: Struggles for Inclusion and Exclusion in Colombia and Peru’, Journal of Education Policy 34(3): 351-373.

Giller K.E., Drupady I.M., FONTANA L.B., Oldekop J.A. (2018) ‘Editorial Overview: The SDGs – Aspirations or Inspirations for Global Sustainability’. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 34, A1-A2.

FONTANA L.B. and J. Grugel (2017) ‘Deviant and Over-Compliance: The Domestic Politics of Child Labor in Bolivia and Argentina’, Human Rights Quarterly, 39 (3): 631-656.

FONTANA L.B. and J. Grugel (2016) ‘Inclusive Participation or Exclusive Right? The Politics of Participation through Free Prior and Informed Consultation to Indigenous Peoples’World Development, 77: 249-261.

FONTANA L.B., J.A. Oldekop, J. Grugel, et al. (2016) ‘100 Key Research Questions for the Post-2015 Development Agenda’. Development Policy Review, 34 (1): 55-82.

FONTANA L.B. and J. Grugel (2015) ‘To Eradicate or to Legalize?  Child Labour Debates and ILO Convention 182 in Bolivia’, Global Governance, 21 (1): 61-78.

FONTANA L.B. (2015) ‘Fratricide Identities: The Land Conflict between Indigenous Leco and Peasant Unions in Apolo, Bolivia’, Social Identities, 21 (3): 273-293.

FONTANA L.B. (2014) ‘The ‘Indigenous Native Peasant’ Trinity: Imagining a Plurinational Community in Evo Morales’s Bolivia’, Environment and Planning D – Society and Space, 32 (3): 518-534.

FONTANA L.B. (2014) ‘Indigenous Peoples vs. Peasant Unions: Land Conflicts and Rural Movements in Plurinational Bolivia’, Journal of Peasant Studies, 41 (3): 297-319.

FONTANA L.B. (2014) ‘Indigenous Peasant ‘Otherness’: Rural Identities and Political Processes in Bolivia’, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 33 (4): 436-451.

FONTANA L.B. (2014) ‘À l’ombre de la reconnaissance : politiques identitaires et conflit social en Bolivie’. Critique Internationale, 64 (7): 101-120 (French).

FONTANA L.B. (2014) ‘Evo Morales at the Crossroads: Problematizing the Relationship between the State and Indigenous Movements in Bolivia’. Iberoamericana, 43 (1-2): 19-45.

FONTANA L.B. (2013) ‘On the Perils and Potentialities of the Revolution: Conflict Trends and Collective Action in Bolivia’. Latin American Perspectives, 40 (3): 26-42.

FONTANA L.B. (2013) Andean Ethno-cultural Politics and their Effects on Social Violence: Evidence and Hypothesis from the Bolivian Case’. Journal of Peace, Conflict & Development, 20: 20-37.

FONTANA L.B. (2013) ‘The Proceso de Cambio and the Seventh Year Crisis: Towards a Reconfiguration of the Relationship between State and Social Movements in Bolivia’. Bolivian Studies Journal, 19 (1): 190-212.

FONTANA L.B. and D. Sparti (2012) ‘Identità Indotte: l’uso politico del riconoscimento in Bolivia’. Studi Culturali, 9 (2): 175-200 (Italian).

FONTANA L.B. (2008) MEND: L’ultima fase della Guerra del Delta’., 2 (8): 161-174 (Italian).

Special Issues

FONTANA, L.B. and J.A. Oldekop (eds.) (2020) ‘The Sustainable Development Goals Perspectives’, World Development.

Giller, K., I.M. Drupady, L.B. FONTANA, J.A. Oldekop (eds.) (2018) ‘Sustainability Science’. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 34: 1-62.

Book Chapters

FONTANA L.B. (2023) ‘Indigenous Protest in Bolivia against Evo Morales’. In D. Snow, D. della Porta and D. McAdam (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social & Political Movements. Second Edition. Wiley-Blackwell.

FONTANA L.B. (2023) ‘Identity in Latin American Social Movements’. In F.M. Rossi (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Social Movements. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

FONTANA L.B. (2016) ‘On the Margins of World Society: Working with impoverished, excluded & marginalised people’. In G. Crawford, L. Kruckenberg, N. Loubere, and R. Morgan Undertaking Research in Global Development: Fieldwork Issues, Experiences and Reflections. London: Sage.

FONTANA L.B. (2014) ‘Sindicatos campesinos contra indígenas originarios: movimientos sociales y lucha por la tierra en Bolivia’. In R. Gutiérrez and F. Escárzaga (eds.) Movimiento indígena en América Latina: resistencia y transformación social. Vol 3. México DF: UAM-CIESAS (Spanish): 191-211.

FONTANA L.B. (2012)Narrativas colectivas y procesos politicos en Bolivia: De la era neoliberal al MAS’ “Cultural Revolution”’. In F. Mayorga (ed.) Estado, ampliación de la democracia y disputa política. Cochabamba: Asdi/DICyT/UMSS/CESU: 223-257 (Spanish).

FONTANA L.B. and F. Strazzari (2009) ‘A Fame, Bello et Peste: conflitti armati e conflitti ambientali secondo linee di tendenza e fattori di rischio’. In F. Strazzari, Nell’occhio del ciclone. Bologna: Caritas-Mulino: 71-117.

Other Publications (Selection)

Fontana L.B. (2023) Review of Pascal Lupien, Indigenous Civil Society in Latin America: Collective Action in the Digital Age (University of North Carolina Press, 2023), Journal of Latin American Studies, August 2023 , pp. 547 – 549.

Fontana, L.B. (2019) ‘Now Evo Morales is out, Bolivia’s celebrated ‘plurinational revolution’ has an uncertain future’. The Conversation, 26 November

Fontana L.B. (2019) Review of Rossi, Federico M. The Poor’s Struggle for Political Incorporation: The Piquetero Movement in Argentina (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017), International Sociology Review 34(2): 187-196

FONTANA L.B. and J. Grugel (2017) ‘The New Left Agenda of Human Rights in Latin America: Which Rights Matter?’, Open Democracy, 26 November (English and Spanish).

FONTANA L.B. (2017) Review of Risley, A. Civil Society Organizations, Advocacy, and Policy Making in Latin American Democracies (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), for Bulletin of Latin American Research. 36 (2): 262-263.

FONTANA L.B. and J. Grugel (2016) ‘¿Un nuevo rumbo para el trabajo infantil en Bolivia?Debates y polémicas sobre el Código de la Niñez’, Nueva Sociedad, August (Español.and Deutsch)

FONTANA L.B., J. Grugel, J.A. Oldekop (2015), Latin American Perspectives on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, UNDP/FLACSO/SIID Policy Paper (Spanish).

Oldekop J.A., FONTANA L.B., J. Grugel, et al. (2015) ‘Hundred Key Research Questions in International Development’, Working Paper 2015-4, UNRISD Working Paper Series.

FONTANA L.B. (2013) ‘From Neoliberal Multiculturalism to Plurinational Developmentalism: Land Reform Rural Movements and Intra-societal Conflicts in Contemporary Bolivia’, ODID Working Papers Series (University of Oxford), QEHWPS198.

Calderón F., FONTANA L.B., I. Nava and H. Pacheco (2013) Understanding Social Conflict in Latin America. La Paz: UNDP/UNIR, 56 pp. (English and Spanish).

Do Alto H. and FONTANA L.B. (2013) ‘Conflicto social y reterritorialización. Miradas cruzadas sobre movimientos rurales y regionalistas en Bolivia’, Trace. Proceso Méxicanos y Centroamericanos, 63: 24-34.

FONTANA L.B. (2012) ‘Le 60e anniversaire de la révolution nationale bolivienne : ces fantômes qui hantent Evo Morales…’. Amérique Latine Political Outlook 2012. Paris: Les Etudes du CERI, n°187-188, SciencesPo Press: 22-25 (French and Spanish).

FONTANA L.B. (2012) ‘El gobierno del MAS et la cuestión agrarian: entre reformas juridicas y conflictos irresueltos’. Ni Calco Ni Copia, No. 4, April: 11-32 (Spanish).

FONTANA L.B. (2012) ‘Evo totem Liderazgo y Poder en el Proceso de Cambio en Bolivia’, August 2011 (Spanish).

Calderón F., FONTANA L.B., I. Nava and H. Pacheco (2011) Los conflictos sociales en América Latina. La Paz: UNDP/UNIR/Plural Editores, 318 pp.

FONTANA L.B. (2010) Peasant Union vs Indigenous Leco: The Land Conflict in Apolo. Carter Center Report, La Paz, 65 pp.

FONTANA L.B. (2010) ‘Hezbollah vs. Israel: Confronting Information Strategies in the 2006 Lebanese War’. Arab Media & Society, March 2010.
